VS Insights

VS Insights / 26.02.2020 / By Veriskope

ZOOM recently announced enhanced RTMP support that allows ZOOM users to stream their video content via RTMPS to Facebook Live, YouTube or other custom video streaming services. Users can now increase audience size by streaming to any RTMP compatible site including Twitter, Twitch, Vimeo, Periscope,...

VS Insights / 29.10.2019 / By Sarah Allen

Interested in RTMP? Check out our new website connected to our RTMP Github site — rtmp.veriskope.com. The Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) was designed to support very low-latency for interactive, multiparty applications with seamless integration of live or recorded video, as well as broadcast streaming, video on...

VS Insights / 23.10.2019 / By Veriskope

In case you missed Sarah Allen’s RTMP talk at Demuxed in October, it is now up on YouTube. (Watch it below or at http://youtube.com/watch?v=5Rv50RCwqo8&t) As one of the creators of RTMP at Macromedia, she takes us back to a time before Firefox, Safari, and Chrome and shares...